Saturday, December 6, 2014

Mid life crisis…the lost “YOU”!!

Still a few years away from the magical number, but I was curious to know more about this keyword so was reading around. Hindu mythology states that there are 4 stages in a man’s life (strangely that’s not true for women though). I can safely assume that there are no age boundaries around each of these stages as am still running behind schedule (pun intended!!).

Bramcharya (Bachelor)-> Grihastha(Married) -> Vanaprastha(Wanderer) -> Sannyasa(Sage)

I was just wondering, with Marriage given an utmost importance in worldly culture, why would a human opt for a wanderer or Sannyas stage after having all the luxuries of relationship and love. People have kids, their future & life to plan and a wonderful time with family and friends.

But then I guess it is someone else’s life they are working on.

People lose their own identity, their own self in the process of giving and providing for others. They stop thinking for what they want for themselves and rather surrender to the needs and fancies to maintain a happy family. Then the questions like “what is there in for me?”, “why am I doing this?” start to emerge in their mind.After being tired of working hard, providing for the family, ignoring their own desires coupled up with impact on health and signs of aging people hit this milestone called- “Mid life crisis”.

Midlife crisis thus, is a depressing epitome of lost desires, lost patience and above all a lost feeling of self.

An action always causes a reaction and then we react…some do panic buying a high value car, some have an urge to stay fit and look younger and some look beyond their relationships for something new.

We all will go through this someday and in some way and the reason would be “me” “myself”. So, what could be a mitigation plan for a crisis risk (hard to avoid PMP terms J). An alternate plan could be to take a step back and think of the path your life should take. It could be one or all of the following (or more):
  1. Worklife balance – Rejuvenate and take time out for your self - Don’t let those hair fall, that face wrinkle, that body flab to make you look ugly and that heart go weak with ailments
  2. Create a checklist of things you want to do before you die
  3. Plan an annual holiday to unwind
  4. Make new friends and learn from their experiences
  5. Fall in love with yourself - Learn to enjoy your own company and let go fear of loneliness
  6. Count your blessings
  7. And keep smiling
Above all, do realize that you, as a human you are an important entity in this world. Your contributions to this world are unique and no one, no one can be like you. 

It’s your life, live it with peace & contentment as what matters at the end is - “YOU”.