Monday, March 3, 2008

Marriage…a quest of Destiny!!!

When I cross by a wedding car, am often tempted to peep in to look at the couple and imagine how they would have met. Who would have initiated the first contact and what was the source to bring them together.

Recent trend of wedding planner sites which people set up before their marriages, makes it more interesting to read, how they met, what they feel about each other and what is the thing which clicked.

Gleaming faces of the couple on Wedding stage and smiles all around gives an enticing thought of what brought them together and were they meant to be. They would not have known each other all their lives but they are standing here, glued together and introducing themselves to their extended families.

Thoughts of a great life with butterflies in stomach around honeymoon bring the never ending smile and radiance on the face, which is not possible with many balanced diets and gold facials. Life would be changed for ever, from individualism to collectivism, from my dreams to our dreams and from my life to our life.

It all begins with search, which is on for one of my friends, she often goes through such sessions of discussion, which she mocking calls "Marriage Interrogation" with people having invisible paper in hand full of questions around your daily routines, your thoughts etc. She answers all but is still not able to make up her mind, she asks me, how you know that he is right for you, on what basis should I make a choice.

A strong perception, which I have is that the face of the person matches yours as have seen many couples like that, but world if full of some odd combinations too. Some use horoscopes, some use numerology, some read Linda, but what calculations we apply to check destiny!!!

With my close friend all set for her marriage soon, I got a chance to listen to her sessions. Her parents have been looking for a match for years, meeting people, acceptance, rejection and finally got a proposal. It was again initiated by her parents, she has seen his profile and knew the essentials. Initially she got just 5 minutes, but the guy seemed decided and he said, “Only thing I wish is that I should not repent after marriage”, Is that all, we were all amazed?

We discussed it with her and suggested that you should meet him once again. She went ahead, spent a few hours of talk, fun, discussing their likes and dislikes and don’t know what jelled but they were happy to be together. How did they arrive at compatibility, just liked talking to each other or were they destined to be?

Wishing her luck, but have seen cases, where the courtship went on for months both fell in love, life was set, even kids names were decided, but the marriage was called off just one day prior to M day, because of dowry. She was stern and said no, but she cried as she really loved that guy. Just within a month, she met another guy, they liked each other and got married. It is strange, but this seems again to be play of destiny.

Being in IT, I really wish I could develop software to put in the essential data and baam!! it produces a chart with probability ratings and help give precise information on the prediction around destiny, ratings like excellent, very good or satisfactory or no-no can help make our mind. Appears to be great but need to understand the rules which god applies and assumptions around the same.

So, what is it which brings people together, how it happens, why it happens, when it happens and what leads them to marriage keeps this wonderwrite…wonder...when it comes to decision what is it that applies…


Faded Glory said...

jaldi mek tht be happy to be a customer of tht s/w :)

Sukhdeep said...

oh plz.. dont even try to make the software thingy... koi fayda nai janaab.. u talk of destiny n then u talk of destiny n then u move to predeciding the things..

Marriage is not only between two souls but between two families and there if frequency doesnt matches.. many a times evn if the couple wants to save, is unable to save such marriages..!!

Just Free Yourself and set open to everyone.. u might just click with the right one but remember tht wud happen at right time pre-decided by the Almighty only .. so wait n watch till tht lucky guy comes in ur life..

Keep wRITING :)