Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Emptiness Within!!

Holiday Inn London, at 2100 hours

Standing near the window, staring for long hours on the view outside, hearing my heart beat closer to me and the emptiness within!!

A sinking feeling embeded in me in an alien land, where I didnt have my family & friends, people who are a vital part of every minute of my life. Place is known, the rules are known but you still feel alienated from all as they are not my known.

Clock shows 3 AM in India, no one is online and strangely I have not spoken a word for past 36 hours. The silence haunts and memories of the last few hours in India, circle around me.

I try to sleep, but jet lag keeps me awake. I stare in the dark and start thinking about my life.

Am so used to some people in my life with whom I spend major part of my day. I have friends, who acompany me everyday while travelling, who acompany me at lunch, with whom I share my feelings, joys and happiness . They sit next to me and we chit chat on topics, office gossips, passions in life and everyday learn something new about each other. Why am I so dependent on people around me, or is it just a way to avoid the emptiness within?

I often think, why do I work so hard, not considering any hour of the day. People call me workaholic, dedidated to the organisation and even ask me if I get paid extra of every hour. My answer is a smile, but somewhere I feel, do I keep myself busy to avoid the voice of silence and the emptiness within?

I often dream of my childhood when I was loved by all, moments of happiness where I felt I can acheive it all, the pain of lost relationships which were not meant to be mine and the darkness of future which I cannot comprehend now. At times I feel fulfilled, at times lonely, but some where deep down in heart I have started feeling - the emptiness within.

The silence of the room and the darkness of night, makes me wonder what would be my life, a few years from now? With emptiness within and no one around.

A tear drops from my eye, but I sleep as of now!!!


UnknownWriter said...

Very well written and quite true.

Mr. Offender said...

hey welcome back, after a long time, and nicely written with full of emotions, but please dont discuss tears on blog........ coz "Puspa I hate Tears reeeeee....."

Unknown said...

Ismein Emotion hai, Drama hai, tragedy hai...am learing to write :-)!!